Geraint PhotoGeraint has a passion for managing risk in high-risk environments and in particular the practical application of theory. Specific risk management roles have included; risk and compliance, internal audit, operational, business continuity with Air New Zealand, membership of the risk management committee of Europe’s largest industrial site, nuclear power engineer, and submariner.

As a director of Navigatus Consulting, Geraint has advised a wide range of organizations on risk methodologies and assessment. Projects have included risk management framework and process design for large private and public companies, risk assessments for complex environmental decision making, project risk management for roads and rail and risk analysis for analysis of specialist flight operations, regulatory intervention, and marine oil spill environmental risk. His risk management work has extended across infrastructure, bio-research, essential infrastructure, oil production, aviation operations and regulation, medical health delivery and rail transport sectors.

Geraint is a long-standing member of the Joint Australian/New Zealand committee on risk management. He was also a New Zealand representative on the international committee that has just published ISO 31000. He recently completed three consecutive 2 year terms as elected Chair of the sector professional body, RiskNZ.