On 23 November three NZ government agencies launched SafePlus, a new health and safety tool. https://worksafe.govt.nz/about-us/who-we-are/our-priorities/safeplus/about-safeplus/
SafePlus is a voluntary health and safety performance improvement tool for businesses. The tool helps to reduce injuries and illness through assessments and advisory services. Businesses can use the independently delivered assessments to figure out what they need to change to manage health and safety well.
SafePlus Points of Difference
Key points of difference from other assessment tools include:
- the tools assesses how businesses manage risk, alongside leadership and worker engagement
- the tool triangulates on what actually happens in practice through “Deep Dives” on 3 key risks
- it assesses the effects of work on health, which are often overlooked.
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) businesses have responsibilities for everyone on work sites. It’s no longer just about what they are doing. WorksSafe NZ, the Accident Compensation Corporation, and the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment have taken a similar approach by working together to develop this tool.
Expert Advisory Group
As a member of the Expert Design Group and now chair of the Expert Advisory Group, I’m pleased to have helped develop this tool. My colleagues on the EDG/EAG have all contributed a huge depth of experience. I brought a risk lens and evidence based approach. Collectively we assisted with design of the tool and lately I’ve been involved with helping develop a training programme for assessors.
Now I’m looking forward to seeing a lift in health and safety performance as SafePlus moves off the page and into the field.
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